
The OmenaArt Foundation contributes to the 2024 with two exhibitions

These events highlight the Foundation’s commitment to artistic excellence and are hosted at the historically rich Fort St Elmo and the newly opened LuginsLand of Art centre, underscoring a notable participation in one of this year’s key artistic gatherings.

Women Present Other Geographies, Other Stories

Curated by Natalia Bradbury and conceptualised by Hanna Wróblewska, the pavilion named Other Geographies, Other Stories brings together the works of artists Lia Dostlieva, Barbara Falender, Iza Jagiełło, Ida Karkoszka, and Aleksandra Karpowicz. Their collective efforts in sculpture, photography, video, and installation art are unified by a theme of activism. Despite their diverse backgrounds, hailing from Poland and Ukraine and living across Europe, their works engage deeply with migration, transformation, and the effects of significant changes, weaving a common narrative across varying ages and artistic backgrounds.

Barbara Falender’s sculptures She and He from 1973 are a bold critique of the societal norms of communist Poland. Iza Jagiełło’s art questions the abstract boundaries set by patriarchy, whereas Lia Dostlieva delves into historical trauma. Aleksandra Karpowicz explores the concept of the body as a primary dwelling, and Ida Karkoszka’s work, inspired by her three- month residency in Malta, reflects on the nurturing nature of mammalian bodies. Karkoszka’s Mamma, a significant sculpture made from Gozo’s coral limestone, is prominently displayed at the entrance to Fort St Elmo in Valletta.

Space & Time – wystawa polskich i maltańskich artystów

The Space & Time exhibition, curated by Boris Kudlička, showcases the talents of Polish and Maltese artists at LuginsLand of Art. This selection includes both existing works and new, site-specific creations inspired by the unique surroundings of Villa Luginsland.

The exhibition showcases works by artists such as Karol Palczak, Monika Falkus, Xawery Wolski, Jakub Julian Ziółkowski, Marcin Maciejowski, and Ida Karkoszka, creating a captivating conversation with the neo-Renaissance architecture of the building. For this exhibition, a selection of Maltese artists including Matthew Attard, Victor Agius, Mario Abela, and Antoine Farrugia, were invited to contribute original site- specific pieces. Each artist brought their distinctive perspective to the endeavour, drawing inspiration from the rich heritage of Villa Luginsland and honouring its history. The participation of local artists in this project marks a seminal moment in the villa’s history and perpetuates the legacy of its first owner, Baron Maximilian Tucher von Simmelsdorf, a renowned patron of culture, art, and architecture. For the first time since the 19th century, Villa Luginsland has emerged as a significant cultural landmark on the island, evolving into the LuginsLand of Art – a venue dedicated to fostering artistic creativity and international cultural exchange.

In conjunction with the exhibitions, the Foundation has organised six educational panels, including one titled Art and Love at Wilanów Palace. These panels aim to enrich the discourse around the exhibitions, inviting reflection on the intersections of art, history, and contemporary issues.