About GCA 2024

Grand Charity Auction

Initiated by the Omenaa Foundation, the Grand Charity Auction TOP CHARITY is a leading charitable event in Poland, held periodically. It brings together prominent figures from the worlds of business, art, and culture to support philanthropic causes. The organisation of the event is a collaborative effort between the Omenaa Foundation, OmenaArt Foundation, and the Wilanów Palace, with notable backing from Corporate Connections. This network connects significant Polish entrepreneurs, playing a crucial role in the gala’s success.


The previous event was a success, raising 28,573,000 PLN. It gained recognition from the Luxury Lifestyle Awards, a global initiative which, for the last fifteen years, has highlighted excellence in luxury goods and services. The auction received an award in the Best Luxury Auction Event category. Entrepreneurs and artists contribute to the event by participating in the auction, which features art from Poland and abroad, unique designs, and Grand Emotions experiences. Thirty percent of the proceeds go to the Philanthropic Consortium, supporting 23 grant projects and 8 additional initiatives in its first year. The remainder aids the education of children in Polish orphanages, Ukrainian children, street children in Africa, and other European foundations, including the Andrea Bocelli Foundation.

The Artistic Council, which includes Iwona Büchner-Grzesiak, Rafał Kamecki, Boris Kudlička, Kama Zboralska, and Omenaa Mensah, is responsible for selecting the auctioned works. These selections result from extensive discussions and collaborations among art enthusiasts and experts throughout the year preceding the auction. The event is meticulously planned and held at the 17th- century Baroque Wilanów Palace. A team of artists, curators, and scenographers, along with about 1500 people, spend over ten months preparing for the Grand Charity Auction, ensuring its smooth execution and impact.

EY Poland is the independent auditor of the 2024 Grand Charity Auction

EY exists to build a better working world, helping create long-term value for clients, people and society and build trust in the capital markets. Working across assurance, consulting, law, strategy, tax and transactions, EY teams ask better questions to find new answers for the complex issues facing our world today. EY in Poland consists of more than 7,000 experts working in 8 cities: in Warsaw, Gdansk, Katowice, Krakow, Lodz, Poznan, Wroclaw and Rzeszow, as well as in the EY Global Delivery Services. Operating on the Polish market every year, EY advises thousands of companies, both small and medium-sized enterprises and the largest companies. It creates unique analyses, shares knowledge, integrates the business community and engages socially. EY understands that in the 21st century, responsible entrepreneurship goes beyond financial performance to include positive social impact and environmental stewardship.
We were pleased to take on the role of auditor of the Grand Charity Auction.

Jacek Kędzior  
Managing Partner EY Poland